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Conférence-débat sur la place de l’enfant : Réflexions et perspectives sans tabou

Le 16 juin 2023, une conférence-débat a été organisée sur le thème de : “La place de l’enfant est à l’école et non dans les travaux.” Différents invités étaient présents pour parler de ce thème, tels que le Directeur Technique de Giriyuja, Wenceslas Nyabenda, un Avocat au Barreau de Bujumbura, Me Chris Darnaud Habonimana, et le Fondateur de New Generation, Nahimana Dieudonné. Wenceslas Nyabenda a parlé des différentes conséquences de la vie dans la rue,… Read More »Conférence-débat sur la place de l’enfant : Réflexions et perspectives sans tabou

Arise and Shine: A Special Bible Study Meeting at Lumiere University

On Wednesday 16th March, the Bible study group working at the Lumiere University in Kinindo organized a special meeting with guests such as Billy Believe, a worshipper and the Apostle Nahimana Dieudonne from the Oasis Christian center church. It was a good moment in prayer and in studying the word of God. The theme of the day being: Arise and Shine Through that moment of sharing the word of God, about 30 people that day… Read More »Arise and Shine: A Special Bible Study Meeting at Lumiere University

ILET Graduates Celebrate Their Success and Commitment to the traning

On the evening of November 20, 2022, the Imboneza Leadership and Entrepreneurship Training (ILET) at the Oasis Christian Center came to a close.The course, which lasted 6 months, closed with the presentation of certificates to the 31 graduates who had taken part in the course and passed the DNF Foundation’s assessment tests.Mr. Dieudonné NAHIMANA, the training’s main speaker and trainer, was keen to encourage the winners and remind them that what will make them good… Read More »ILET Graduates Celebrate Their Success and Commitment to the traning

Minister’s breakfast

On Tuesday morning, the 8th of November 2022, pastors from different churches met again in the Minister’s fellowship forum. After sharing breakfast, they discussed based on the words found in the book of Acts chapter 2:42-47 Where they returned to the principles found in the word of God,that the church must adhere to, in order to maintain good health, which are:

Dieudonné Nahimana Foundation in partnership with Oasis Christian Center visited Oikos Gasorwe

This Friday Dieudonné Nahimana Foundation in partnership with Oasis Christian Center visited Oikos Gasorwe which is one of the home cells from the Oasis Christian Center Church. They had a moment of sharing the word of God, talking about the work of Jesus Christ on earth and his role in our lives. They also had the opportunity of giving out some gifts to the kids such as clothes, shoes and, some essentials.In the morning, the… Read More »Dieudonné Nahimana Foundation in partnership with Oasis Christian Center visited Oikos Gasorwe