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How to unlock your potential for a successful life?

Every human being wants to be happy, mark the goal for which he was created, be successful, end his time on earth well, and leave a good legacy. But, it comes up against setbacks.However, there is (1) a way of thinking that you are potentially programmed to succeed and discover your potential between failing and achieving what you want. There is (2) the renewal of intelligence which leads us to discuss fundamental questions such as… Read More »How to unlock your potential for a successful life?

Female leadership as a source of development

On March 13, 2021, the Dieudonné Nahimana Foundation participated in the demonstration of the woman karate commission with the collaboration of the Burundian karate federation as part of the celebration of the international day of women’s rights under the theme “Female leadership as a source of development”Dieudonne NAHIMANA and his team having enhanced this event with their presence and having financially supported the committee, had the opportunity to admire the work of the participants and… Read More »Female leadership as a source of development

Corruption: A challenge for sustainable development

On December 3-4, 2020, I had the honor of being invited as a speaker in a seminar that was organized by the Christian Police Association (Christian Police Association of Burundi CPABU). The workshop was organized with the aim of celebrating the 15th anniversary.During this event, we were able to learn more about the downsides of corruption through the word of God.I had the privilege of giving my contribution on the theme Fight against corruption a… Read More »Corruption: A challenge for sustainable development

Community Work in the Commune of Gasorwe

This Saturday morning, November 7, we participated in the community work organized by the communal administration. This work took place on the Karira hill in Gasorwe province Muyinga.It was also an opportunity for us to talk to the youth of this locality to be united and work together for the development of their commune

“God did not create men superior to women”

It is Saturday, August 31, 2020, that the Guides Province of Bujumbura Marie celebrated the International Day of the Girl.Under the theme of the day “My voice, equality for our future”.As for me, I had the opportunity to share with them a message of which here is the extract:“God did not create man superior to woman, he simply gave them different roles to complement each other. If you are a girl, you need to know… Read More »“God did not create men superior to women”