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Home » Blog » People will only remember the change you made, not the cars or houses you owned.

People will only remember the change you made, not the cars or houses you owned.

What do you bring as a change in your environment?

God has given us the ability to make the change. You cannot live to have cars, houses,… People will only remember the change you made, not the cars or houses you owned. Here are some questions you should ask yourself every morning.

  • What is the purpose of your life?
  • What is your passion?
  • What are people going to say about my funeral?

These questions will help you make good choices about your life. You are a solution in this area in which you are passionate. Be the servants of others “If you want to be a great person in this world, be a servant to others” You don’t get rich by making more money, but serving many people! Learn how to solve problems and the resources will run after you. Don’t study to find a job! But be committed to doing what you are passionate about and making an impact in your environment and in your country

(Be a carrier of change)

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