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The official launch of the Dieudonné Nahimana Foundation (DNF)

The official launch of the Dieudonné Nahimana Foundation (DNF) was held on the 17th of May 2018.

Old colleagues and friends of Dieudonne Nahimana were present and shared their testimony by thanking Dieudonné Nahimana for the impact he may have had in their lives since the time they knew him.

Some have said that Dieudonné is the person who helps others move forward: “If you are a simple and weak person, he can make you the most extraordinary and strong person, in other words your life is transformed. “

Someone said  that his life changed the day he met Dieudonné; from being a shy person , unsure of himself and without any vision of life he turned into  a brave, confident person,  becoming a leader and having responsibilities at work.

A speech expressing the vision and the mission of DNF was pronounced by Dieudonné Nahimana who ended it by thanking all participants and especially those who had supported him since the beginning of his work which today are called success stories.

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