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How to Unlock your potential?

How to Unlock your potential? Do you know you are unique? On over 7 billions of people around the world, there’s no one like you! An easy example is when you’re traveling, and then they ask you for your fingerprint, no one will put his fingerprint in your place. You are unique, everyone needs you and you need them, wake up in the morning and show up to the world your uniqueness to your surrounding. You are not a surplus but rather a special and unique masterpiece of God. You have something God gave you, inside you that you can use and be a blessing to the 7 billions of people in the world.

Refuse to evaluate yourself based on what people see on you (outside). Ask yourself what makes you unique: what God gave you that can be a blessings to others. If you want to unlock your potential quit your comfort zone, where everything is very good and appear shiny.How many people are benefeating from your gifts? This should be your daily evaluation

1 thought on “How to Unlock your potential?”

  1. Thank you very much for this example of the forever uniqueness as for a fingerprint.
    this really emphasize the fact that everyone needs me to unlock my wallet to them.
    same i need everyone.
    Nevertheless this shouldn’t lead me to dependency to any humanbeing but only to GOD.

    thank you very much DNF.

    Thierry Nsanzumukiza
    +257 79 071 453

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